We’ve all heard of Black Friday, where you have the chance to go into debt buying things you might not need…but at least you an do so at a discounted price. Cyber Monday then comes along as well. But less people probably know about Giving Tuesday, it’s a global movement that started in 2012 to shift the holiday focus away from buying – and towards giving.

December 3 is Giving Tuesday this year and since it started, there have been more than 40,000 organizations in 71 countries that are part of the movement. If you use this hashtag #givingtuesday on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram you to connect with other people who are promoting and using this movement.

How can you be part of Giving Tuesday? Just go to your favorite charity online and give to them. Post that you’ve done so on social media to encourage others to as well.

And then feel great that you’ve been part of the giving, rather than the taking!