ThanksUSA Helps Military Families

ThanksUSA evolved in quite an interesting way.  Two sisters, Rachel and Kelsi, were on a family vacation in August 2005 when they got the idea to help families of military troops.  While participating in a treasure hunt, they were inspired to think of creating some type of a treasure hunt program for soldiers.  ThanksUSA is short for “Treasure Hunt Aiding Needs of Kids and Spouses of those serving the United States of America.”

ThanksUSA is a non-partisan, charitable organization that mobilizes Americans to thank those in the armed forces.  They have two interconnected programs.  They have a national treasure hunt that raises awareness and funds for scholarship programs.  They use the money raised to provide need-based college, technical and vocational school scholarships for children and spouses of those who are serving.

This year, the 2011 Stephen Curry ThanksUSA Charity Golf Tournament will focus on ThanksUSA and benefit the organization.  Participants will include NBA star Stephen Curry and other sports and entertainment VIPs, local community leaders, military people and more.  The event will take place on September 26, 2011 at the Presidio Golf Club in San Francisco, California.