Restava Donating To Feed The Hungary

Feeding-America1Feeding America reports that one sixth of all Americans contend with hunger. Feeding America is a charity whose mission is to feed that hungry. It helps in all 50 states and has more that 200 foodbanks nationwide.

Restava, a mattress company, chose to support feeding America. It chose Feeding America because it is an American charity and Restava is an American company, with American workers who love their country. Every dollar given to Feeding America helps provide seven meals to hungry people.

Restava will donate one dollar to Feeding America for every mattress purchased. In addition, Restava will match customer contributions up to $10. So purchase of one mattress can bring $21 to feed 147 people.

The UK Government Encourages People To Donate When They Use The Cash Machine.

Whenever English People take money from a cash machine they will be asked to donate to charity. This method was used successfully in Columbia and government ministers want to employ it in England.

Consumers can round up their bill in stores to the nearest pound, and the excess will go to help good causes.
Government ministers feel that most individuals won’t mind giving a few pennies to charity. When the whole nation participates much money can be collected.
In Colombia, an average of $22,000 (£14,300) was raised per month. Bank customers are requested to choose contributing 50 cents, $1, $7.50, or nothing. One dollar was the most popular contribution.

After deciding the amount to donate, contributors are asked to choose which charity to give to. The choices are: helping the homeless, a children’s heart foundation, or helping the sons and daughters of wounded and dead military personnel.