Ryan Gosling is one of those celebrities who knows how to appreciate what he has – and give to others. He recently took a break from filming his latest movie in Austin, Texas to make a surprise visit at the Texas School for the Deaf.

As Anne Adams, the executive director of the school’s foundation, said “We knew that Ryan was in town, and he’s been on streets around campus often so we were just pipe dreaming (and look what happened!).”

He came to their Spooky Skedaddle 5K, which is an annual charity run. He contributed to the event by raising approximately $20,000 for the event and getting other supporters. As Adams told E!, “Ryan was extremely kind, allowing lots of photo ops with fans and when the director told him, ‘Enough,’ he said, ‘No, one more,’ and pulled a small deaf child out of the line for a picture. Ryan is a wonderful person and we were delighted that they came!”