Most of us would probably assume that America’s children all have a bed in which to sleep. It might not be the fanciest bed, or the most exciting bed, but it’s a bed. We would be right for about 97% of America’s children – but wrong for the other 3%. This is a shocking problem that one organization, called Sleep in Heavenly Peace, is trying to combat.

Established in 212, the organization has the goal of ensuring that kids have a place to sleep – in a bed that is suited to their needs. By 2018, there were hundreds of chapters around the country, and even those in Canada, Bermuda and the Bahamas. They build bunk beds out of raw materials and offer mattresses, pillows and bedding to go along with the beds.

The organization has, to date, offered close to 65,000 beds for those in need. It’s certainly worth knowing more about them, what they do, and how to be involved.