Childfund is dedicated to helping children around the world. One great childfund program involves giving farm animals to needy families. For example, they give chickens, ducks, turkeys, goats, pigs or cows to needy families. These animals provide two benefits. First, the family can eat the eggs or drink the nutritious milk from these animals and so escape the ever present hunger and malnutrition in their lives. In addition, the animals multiply and can be sold for food or eaten, thereby helping the family support itself. Cows help with farming. By making the families self sufficient, the children don’t have to work all day and can spend some time in school, to make a better future for themselves and their children.

Childfund International helps children in the United States and in 31 other countries. Their programs in the U.S. reach some of the poorest counties in Mississippi, North and South Dakota, Oklahoma and Texas.

Their work is focused on improving the lives of deprived, excluded and vulnerable children. They believe that improving children’s well-being creates a better world for everyone. Childfund works to empower children to thrive throughout all stages of their lives and to become leaders of ongoing change.  Currently ChildFund International helps more than 15.2 million children and their families to break the cycle of poverty and to become healthy and productive citizens