According to a Save the Children research study, Poor families in England are being overcharged by approximately $2,060 a year more for basic needs .

Utility bills are almost 30% higher since the lower income generally use prepayment meters instead of direct debit. They pay as much as three times the real price for items such as cookers by getting them on rental purchase. In addition, insurance is also more expensive because they live in high-crime neighborhoods, Save the Children discovered.

Martin Lewis, a financial expert who helped with the study explained that: “It is ridiculous but true – it costs more to be poor.” He said that poor people don’t have access to the web to obtain information about banking and money saving tips

Sally Copley of Save The Children, explained that families who live on less than $20,000 per year are being charged more for heating. In order to save heating costs families don’t heat when they don’t absolutely have to. Copley said that: “There is a clear link between living in cold, damp conditions for long periods and children’s health being put at risk.”