With the cost of living rising across England, more citizens are finding themselves in need of basic necessities. Unfortunately, an increasing number of residents are finding it impossible to provide their families with three meals a day.

FoodCycle is a London-based organization that offers meals on a weekly basis to whomever needs. Their 11 centers across the capital work to transform surplus groceries into three-course vegetarian meals. Thanks to a generous grant of £174,800 from City Trust Bridge charity funder, FoodCycle plans to expand its service by opening six new centers over the next year. The goal is to feed over 4,000 people in 30 districts within London by 2024. The organization estimates it will be using more than 126,000kg of surplus groceries – that is the equivalent of the weight of 25 African elephants!

In addition to providing the physical sustenance needed for survival, the support offered by FoodCycle goes much further. Tom Osborne, FoodCycle Trusts and Foundations Manager, explains: “Our meals help our guests eat more healthily, try new foods and save money. They also have a really important benefit of helping people feel less lonely and more connected with their community by coming together in a safe space and making new friends.”

Given the help of volunteers and the team at FoodCycle, thousands of people are able to continue their daily lives knowing their physical needs will be met encompassed by a support system.