The American Cancer Society is a community-based, nationwide organization whose mandate is to fund cancer research which will improve diagnosis, treatment, and hopefully eliminate cancer as a major health problem. The American Cancer Society hopes to achieve these goals through education, advocacy, service and funding for research.

The American Cancer Society functions throughout the United States, which is divided into thirteen geographical areas in which medical personnel and lay volunteers operate in over 3,400 offices. The American Cancer Society is headquartered in Atlanta Georgia, and publishes an official journal, Cancer.

According to a study conducted in 1994 investigating the popularity and credibility of charitable and non-profit organizations, the American Cancer Society came out as tenth among the “most popular charities/non-profits” in America. Out of more than 100 charities included in the study, 38% of Americans over the age of 12, chose either ‘Love’ or ‘Like a Lot’ to describe how they feel about the American Cancer Society.

American Cancer Society: History–>